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How To Build A Social Media Strategy For Your Construction Company

by | Oct 2, 2023 | Blog, Video

How to Build a Social Media Strategy For Your Construction Company

So you want to begin building your Construction company’s brand on social media but aren’t really sure where to begin.

Well, you’re in luck because today I’m going to be sharing the exact process I use for my construction clients when it comes to building out a robust social media strategy, and how you can do the same.

Why You Need a Social Media Strategy

Imagine this scenario: someone in your company, perhaps an office manager or an admin, is tasked with posting on social media. They’re told to get your company’s presence out there, but they have no clear direction. They’re in the dark about why they’re posting, who they’re trying to reach, what to post, when and where to post it, and how to measure success. It’s like sending someone on a mission without a map or a destination.

This lack of strategy is where things can go wrong. Without a plan, your social media efforts can become haphazard and ineffective. You might end up posting content that doesn’t resonate with your audience or missing out on valuable opportunities to connect with potential clients, talented hires, or industry partners.

That’s why having a robust social media strategy is essential. It’s your roadmap to success in the digital landscape. It lays out the who, what, when, where, why, and how:

  • Why are you posting?
  • Who are you trying to reach?
  • What content should you share?
  • When and where should you share it?
  • How do you measure success?

A well-crafted strategy ensures that you have clear objectives and a systematic approach to achieving them. It guides you in creating content that aligns with your goals and resonates with your target audience. It tells you when to post for maximum impact and where to focus your efforts. And most importantly, it gives you the means to measure your progress and adjust your tactics as needed.

In the competitive world of construction, where reputation and visibility matter, a social media strategy is your secret weapon. It helps you stand out, connect with the right people, and showcase your expertise. It’s not just about posting for the sake of it; it’s about strategically building your brand and achieving your construction company’s goals. So, if you’re ready to take your construction company’s social media presence to the next level, let’s dive into the steps to create a powerful strategy.

Why Are You Posting On Social Media?

Alright, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of crafting a powerful social media strategy for your construction company. The first crucial step is to identify your goals.

Why are you posting on social media? What do you hope to achieve? These questions might seem straightforward, but they lay the foundation for your entire strategy.

Here’s the deal: you need to be specific about your end goals. It’s not enough to say, “I want to improve our social media presence.” Sure, that’s a start, but it’s like saying you want to build a house without knowing the type of house you want, its size, or its purpose.

So, let’s break it down further. Your goals could fall into one or more of these categories:

  • Hiring Efforts: Are you looking to attract top-notch talent to your construction team? A social media strategy can help showcase your company culture and draw in skilled professionals.
  • Building Culture: Do you want to create a stronger sense of connection and community among your teams, especially if they’re scattered across various projects? Social media can be a tool for building that bond.
  • Client and Prospect Engagement: Is it vital to stay top-of-mind with your existing clients and prospects? Regular, strategic social media content can keep you on their radar.
  • Showcasing Expertise: Perhaps you want to demonstrate your capabilities and expertise as a contractor. This is about positioning yourself as a go-to source in your field.
  • Competitive Positioning: In a competitive market, you might aim to establish yourself as a growing contractor. This can set you apart from the pack and attract new opportunities.

Now, some of you might be thinking, “Well, I want to do all of those things!” That’s ambitious, and it’s excellent to have multiple goals. However, here’s the golden nugget of advice: the more specific and narrow you get with your goals, the better your outcomes will be in the long run.

It’s like aiming for a bullseye rather than trying to hit every target on the range. When your goals are clear and precise, your social media efforts become focused and effective. You know what you’re aiming for, and that’s a game-changer.

So, take a moment to reflect on your construction company’s goals. What’s the primary objective you want to achieve through your social media presence? Once you’ve got that in your sights, we’ll move on to the next crucial step: identifying your target audience.

Who Is Your Target Audience?

Now that you’ve pinpointed your goals for your construction company’s social media strategy, it’s time to dive into the next critical step: identifying your target audience.

Imagine you’re at a construction site. You don’t just start building without a plan, right? You need to know who you’re building for, what their needs are, and what the finished structure should look like. Well, the same principle applies to your social media strategy.

You see, it’s not enough to post content for the sake of it. You need to know precisely who you want that content to reach. Let’s break it down:

Who is it that you would like to consume your content? Is it your clients or prospective clients? Is it your employees, or maybe even your competitors’ employees if you’re a general contractor? Or is it existing or potential subcontractors?

Now, here’s the kicker: you can’t stop at these broad categories. To make your messaging truly effective, you need to dive even deeper. Let’s explore this further:

  • For your clients, consider what size or types of clients you want to engage with. Are you targeting small businesses, large corporations, or specific industries?
  • If you’re focusing on your employees, think about what types of employees you want to retain and attract. Are you looking for experienced professionals, recent graduates, or specialists in certain areas?
  • For general contractors, specify what types of project partners you’re seeking. Are you looking for electrical contractors, plumbers, or architectural firms?

The key here is specificity. The more precise you can get about your target audience, the more effectively your messaging will come across on social media. You want your content to resonate with the right people, and that means tailoring it to their needs, interests, and pain points.

Imagine trying to build a custom-designed home without knowing the exact preferences of the homeowners. You might end up with a beautiful house, but it won’t match their vision. Similarly, identifying your target audience ensures that your social media content aligns perfectly with the expectations and interests of those you want to reach.

So, take some time to define your target audience. Be as specific as possible. It’s like having a precise blueprint for your social media strategy. With your goals and your audience in focus, you’re well on your way to creating a winning strategy for your construction company’s social media presence.

Where Should You Share Your Content?

Now that you’ve got your goals and target audience locked in, it’s time to tackle the next piece of the puzzle: identifying the right social media platforms to reach your audience.

Not all social media platforms are created equal, and not every platform will be the ideal playground for your construction business. So, let’s dive into where you should be setting up (digital) shop.


This one is a heavyweight champion, especially for commercial contractors. It’s not just my favorite; it’s a powerhouse for the entire commercial construction industry. LinkedIn is your go-to for reaching office staff, vendors, and industry connections. If you’re looking to connect with decision-makers and industry professionals, this is your goldmine.

Facebook and Instagram

These dynamic duo platforms are fantastic for reaching both office and field teams, vendors, and even employee family members. While you can get exposure to client account brands here, it’s important to note that the folks managing these platforms are often marketing managers or coordinators, rather than the top-level executives you’ll find on LinkedIn. Keep that in mind when tailoring your content.


This platform is a bit of a wild card. I’ve tried it in the past for commercial contracting, and it had some moments, but it wasn’t the star player. Twitter tends to shine for personal brands and more business-to-consumer (B2C) companies. If your target audience aligns with what you’d find in a fast-food joint’s mentions, then go for it. Otherwise, you might want to steer clear.

YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, or TikTok

These platforms are a different beast altogether. They’re all about video content. While we won’t dive deep into them here, know that they can be powerful tools if you’re into video content. But that’s a story for another day.

Remember, the choice of platform isn’t one-size-fits-all. It depends on your specific goals and target audience. LinkedIn is your heavy hitter for industry connections, while Facebook and Instagram can reach a broader spectrum within your construction ecosystem. Twitter, well, it’s like the quirky cousin – it might work for some, but not for everyone.

So, take a step back, consider your goals and audience, and choose the platforms that align best with your strategy. Once you’ve got that figured out, we’ll move on to the next piece of the puzzle: identifying your content.

What Content Will You Post?

Now, let’s get into the nuts and bolts of crafting a solid social media strategy for your construction company. You’ve laid the foundation with your goals and target audience, and you’ve chosen the right platforms. But what’s next? It’s all about identifying the content that will set you apart.

Think of content as the bricks and mortar of your online presence. It’s what your audience sees, interacts with, and remembers. But what should you be posting? How do you keep it engaging and relevant?

For my clients, I like to use a framework that is built on three core pillars: people, projects, and purpose. Here’s what each of them entails:

People Content: This pillar is all about showcasing the human side of your construction company. It’s about spotlighting team members, sharing someone’s journey into the trades, highlighting a dedicated crew for a project, celebrating an employee for winning an award, showcasing your team at a networking event, and so on. People connect with people, so this human element adds a relatable touch to your content.

Project Content: This pillar is about highlighting awarded projects, unique features or standout aspects of a project, documenting milestones like groundbreaking ceremonies or topping-off events, and even celebrating the achievement of the certificate of occupancy. It’s your chance to shine a spotlight on your company’s work and expertise.

Purpose Content: This one delves into the deeper aspects of your construction company. It’s about sharing your vision and mission, showcasing your core values, demonstrating your impact on the community, giving a glimpse into your company culture, and highlighting your commitment to people development. Purpose content helps you convey your company’s values and mission to your audience.

With these three content pillars in your toolkit, you’re well-prepared to create a diverse and engaging social media presence. It’s like having a toolbox with various tools to tackle different aspects of your construction projects. When you mix and match content from these pillars, you keep your audience interested and informed.

Remember, creating content isn’t just about posting for the sake of it. It’s about telling your construction company’s story, showcasing your expertise, and connecting with your audience on a meaningful level. When you’ve got people, projects, and purpose at the core of your content strategy, you’re set up for success.

As you move forward with your social media strategy, think about how you can incorporate these three pillars into your content plan.

How Often Should You Post?

You’ve got your goals, your target audience, your chosen social media platforms, and your content pillars. Now, it’s time to tackle the rhythm of your social media strategy – identifying your content cadence.

In simpler terms, we’re talking about when and how often you should be posting. This part of the puzzle is crucial because the timing and frequency of your posts can make a significant difference in your social media impact.

So, let’s dive into it. But first, a word of caution: I won’t try to reinvent the wheel here. You can often find the best times to post on specific platforms by doing a quick Google search. These recommendations are usually pretty solid, but remember that the ever-evolving world of social media means these guidelines can become outdated.

When should you post? Here’s a good rule of thumb: posting just before the workday starts or right before lunchtime can be a strategic move. That’s when many people tend to pull out their phones for a quick scroll, whether it’s before they dive into work or during their lunch break.

How often should you post? That’s a question that often pops up, especially for those just starting out on social media. Here’s what I’d recommend to a construction company that’s dipping its toes into the social media waters:

Post one to three times per week.

This is a good starting point. It gives you a consistent presence without overwhelming your team with the demands of daily posting. It’s like laying the foundation for a strong structure; you’re building a routine.

Now, if you believe you’ve got enough content to go for daily posts right off the bat, that’s great. But here’s a friendly tip: even if you have enough content, consider starting with the one to three times per week frequency. It allows you to focus on quality rather than quantity. You want your content to resonate and engage, not just flood your audience’s feeds.

Quality is the name of the game, folks. You want your posts to be impactful, informative, and memorable. If you can do both quality and quantity, fantastic. But remember, it’s not a race to see who posts the most; it’s about who posts the most effectively.

Now, as we move forward, remember that you’re optimizing for quality, not just quantity. Quality content is what sticks in people’s minds and keeps them coming back for more.

How Do You Know It’s Working?

We’ve navigated through the important elements of your social media strategy: goals, audience, platforms, content, and content cadence. But here’s where the rubber meets the road – identifying outcomes and measuring success.

You might be wondering, “How do I know if all this effort is paying off?” Great question, and it’s a crucial one. Your social media strategy isn’t just about posting content; it’s about achieving your goals. So, let’s talk about how to measure success.

Now, there are multiple ways to measure success on social media, and it goes beyond just counting likes and shares. Here are a few key metrics to consider:

  1. Reach and Impressions: This metric tells you how many people have seen your content. It’s like knowing how many eyes are on your construction project as it progresses. The more eyes, the better.
  2. Content Engagement: This one’s a biggie. It’s about how people interact with your posts – likes, comments, shares, and clicks. Think of it as the level of engagement your construction project generates from the community.
  3. Follower Count: Yes, the number of followers matters, but remember, it’s not just about quantity; it’s about the quality of your followers. Are they the right people – clients, prospects, industry professionals? Quality trumps quantity here.

But here’s the thing: success on social media isn’t just about numbers. It’s also about the stories behind those numbers. Let me explain:

Client Feedback: If a client says, “I saw your content and loved it,” that’s a win. It means your content is resonating with the right people.

Employee Testimonials: When your employees leave comments about your great company culture and how they love working there, that’s a success story. It shows that your content is reflecting your company values.

Targeted Followers: If you gain a specific follower from an account you’ve been eyeing for future business opportunities, that’s a win. It means your strategy is paying off in a tangible way.

So, how do you define success for your construction company on social media? It starts by setting clear, measurable objectives aligned with your goals. Your success metrics should reflect what you want to achieve. Whether it’s increasing your reach, boosting engagement, growing your follower count, or landing that dream project partnership – it’s all about having a roadmap and tracking your progress.

Now, as you move forward with your social media strategy, remember that success isn’t always immediate. It takes time and consistent effort. But with clear objectives and the right metrics in place, you’ll be able to measure your success along the way and make adjustments as needed.

Wrapping It Up

So, there you have it – the blueprint for building a robust social media strategy for your construction company. Before you dive into posting content, remember this: you’ve got to know the who, what, when, where, and why you’re posting on social media. It’s all about being strategic and intentional.

Here’s my question for you: do you currently have a social media strategy for your construction company?

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